Michael Paul Ansah

Wɔakyerɛw nsɛm yi wɔ Akuapem kasa mu

Michael Paul Ansah (wɔwoo no 31 October, 1928) yɛ Ghanani amanyɔni a ɔsoom wɔ Ghana adehyeman a edikan no ne nea ɛtɔ so miensa no mu. Ɔsoom sɛ mmarahyɛbaguani a ogyina hɔ ma Akwamu abatoɔ mpɛsoa so firi afe 1965 mu kosii afe 1966 mu na fae, sɛ mmarahyɛbaguani a ogyina hɔ ma Frao Mantam mpɛsoa so firei afe 1979 kosi afe 1981 mu [1]. Ɔsoom sɛ Soafo a ɔhwɛ Akwahosan so firi afe 1979 kosii afe 1981 ne Soafo a ɔhwɛ Mfirinwuma, abɔdeɛ mu nyansapɛ ne abɛɛforo so firi August firi afe 1981 kosi December, afe 1981[2] [3].

Michael Paul Ansah
Minister for Industry, Science and Technology
August 1981 – 31 December 1981
ƆmanpanyinHilla Limann
OdikanfoVincent W. Bulla
Minister for Health
September 1979 – August 1981
ƆmanpanyinHilla Limann
OdikanfoEmmanuel Evans Anfom
AnanmusiniKwamena Ocran
Member of Parliament for Mid-Volta
1979 – 31 December 1981
ƆmanpanyinKwame Nkrumah
OdikanfoJohn Kwabena Arjarquah
AnanmusiniConstituency abolished
Member of Parliament for Akwamu
1965 – February 1966
AnanmusiniConstituency abolished
Ne ho asɛm
Awo bere
Michael Paul Ansah

Anum, Eastern Region, Gold Coast
Sukuu a w'akɔ

Ne mmɔfrase ne Nhomasua sesa

Wɔ woo Ansah wɔ October da a ɛtɔ so 31, afe 1928 wɔ Anum, kuro a ɛwɔ Apuei Mantam.  ɔhyɛɛ sukuu ase wɔ Mampong – Akwapim Middle School ne Begoro Middle School firi afe 1941 kosii afe 1942 ne afe 1942 kosii afe 1944. ɔkɔɔ ntoaso sukuu wɔ Presbyterian Secondary School (enne Presbyterian Boys Senior High School) wɔ afe 1945 ma no wiee wɔ afe 1949.  Ɔtoaa so kɔɔ akyerɛkyerɛfo ntete sukuu a ɛwɔ Akropong (ɛnne Presbyterian College of Education, Akropong) ma no nyaa abɔdin krataa a ɛne Certificate ‘’A’’. ɔkyerɛɛ ade mfie kakra bi akyi no, ɔtoaa n’adesua so wɔ Suapɔn a ɛde University of Ghana, Legon ma no nyaa abodin krataa wɔ afe 1959 mu. Ɔsan nso suaa amanyɔsɛm ho ade wɔ Suapɔn a ɛne Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana ma no wiee wɔ afe 1965 mu. Ɔyɛ ɔkwankyerɛfo a odikan ne kuo a ɛde Student Historical Association wɔ University of Ghana, ɔsan nso yɛ ɔhyehyɛfo ne ɔkyerɛwfo ma Akwamu Youth League 1958 ( sesee Akwamu Students Union)[4]

Nnwuma sesa

Ansah hyɛɛ adwuma ase sɛ ɔkyerɛkyerɛfo wɔ Presbyterian Secondary School a ewɔ Odumase Krobo kosii sɛ woyii no kɔɔ suapɔn a ɛne Institute of Art and Culture wɔ June 30, afe 1962 mu. Wɔ afe 1965 mu no, wɔpaw no sɛɛ ɔkwankyerefo wɔ O’Relly Secondary School [5].

Politics sesa

Wɔ June afe 1965 mu no, wɔpaw Ansah se mmarahyɛ baguani a ogyina hɔ ma Akwamu abatoɔ mpɛsoa so. Ɔsoom wɔ saa dibea no mu kosii February afe 1966 bre a wotuu Nkrumah aban gui[6].

Wɔ September afe 1979 mu no bre a adeyeman a ɛtɔ so miensah no hyɛɛ ase no, wɔpaw no mmarahyɛ baguani a ogyina hɔ ma Frao abatoɔ mpɛsoa so wɔ amanyɔkuo Peoples National Party din mu.  Wɔ saa afe koro no ara mu no, wɔpaw no sɛ Soafo a ɔhwɛ Akwahosan so ma no koraa saa dibea no kosii sɛ woyii no kɔɔ asoe ehwe Mfirinwuma, abɔde mu nyansape ne abɛɛforo wɔ afe 1981[7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. ɔsoom wɔ saa dibea no kosii sɛ Armed Forces Council tuu Liman Aban gui wɔ December afe 1981.

N'asetena mu nsɛm sesa

Nneɛma a n’ani gye ho ne afikyifuo, Tennis bɔ ne nnwom

Nkekaho sesa

  1. Parliamentary Debates; Official Report - Ghana. National Assembly - Google Books
  2. Current World Leaders - Google Books
  3. Africa Research Bulletin - Google Books
  4. Ghana Year Book - Google Books
  5. Ghana Year Book - Google Books
  6. West Africa Annual - Google Books
  7. Africa Research Bulletin - Google Books
  8. APS Bulletin - Google Books
  9. News Bulletin - International Union of Food & Allied Workers' Associations - International Union of Food and Allied Workers' Associations - Google Books
  10. Daily Graphic: Issue 9,148 March 21 1980 - Google Books
  11. Background notes, Ghana - Google Books
  12. Economic Handbook of the World: 1982 - Arthur S. Banks - Google Books
  13. Political Handbook of the World, 1981 - Google Books
  14. https://books.google.com.gh/books?id=XAwbx_PKGxsC&q=M+P+Ansah&pg=RA16-PA6&redir_esc=y#v=snippet&q=M%20P%20Ansah&f=false