Véronique Tadjo

Wɔatwerɛ nsɛm wei ɛwɔ Asante kasa mu

Wↄwoo Veronique Tadjo wↄ afe 1955. Ↄyԑ ↄtwerԑfoↄa ↄtwerԑ anwonsԑm ne ayԑsԑm a ↄfiri Cote d’Ivoire. Watena abibrem ne aman ahodoↄ so ayԑ adwuma nanso ↄwↄ atenka ne ↄdↄ soronko ma Abibiman. Ne nwuma nyinaa no ↄyԑ de bↄ Abibiman ho dawupa

Véronique Tadjo
Born 1955 (age 67–68) Paris, France
Occupation(s) Poet, novelist, artist, educator
Notable work Latérite (Red Earth);A vol d'oiseau (As the Crow Flies);Mamy Wata and the Monster

N'asetena mu nsɛm sesa


Wↄwoo no wↄ Paris, Veronique Tadjo maame firi Ivory Coast a ↄde ne nsa ne dↄteԑ yԑ adwinie.  Tadjo nyinii wↄ Abidjan a ԑwↄ Cote d’Ivoire, ↄne n’abusua tuu akwan bebree.[1]

Tadjo wiee n’abↄdin krataa a ԑdikan a ԑyԑ B.A Degree wↄ University of Abidjan ԑna deԑ ԑtↄ so mmiԑnsa a ԑyԑ Doctorate wↄ Sarbronne  wↄ Africa-America kasadwini ne anibue.  Afe 1983 mu no, ↄkↄↄ Howard University a ԑwↄ Washington D.C a Fulbright nhwehwԑwmu  boa no sↄↄ n’asene.[2]

N’adwuma sesa

Afe 1973 mu no, Tadjo kyerԑԑ Borↄfo kasa wↄ Lycee Mordene de Korhogo(ntoasoↄ sukuu) wↄ Cote d’Ivoire atifi afa mu. Ↄbԑyԑԑ ↄkyerԑkyerԑni a na ↄkyerԑ adeԑ wↄ University of Abidjan ne fa a ԑkyerԑ Borↄfo kasa wↄ afe 1993.[3][4]

Ↄdaa n’anwonsԑn nwoma a ԑdikan adi wↄ afe 1984 a ↄtoo no din Literite/Red Earth. Ↄde saa nwoma yi nyaa abasobↄdeԑ firii Agence de Cooperation Culturelle et Technique[5]

Tadjo nwoma a ↄtwerԑeԑ no bi ne Dauters of Africa a Margaret Busby na ↄsaa mu maa no.[6]

Afe 1998 mu no, na ↄka Rwanda Ecrire par devoir de memoire dwumadie no ho bi a na ԑyԑ ekuo a ԑyԑ L’Ombre d’Imana (2000) yii ne ti wↄ Rwanda saa berԑ no.[7]

Mfeԑ kakraa bi a atwa mu, ↄdii nteteԑ dwumadie a ԑfa mmↄfra nwoma atwerԑ anim wↄ Mali, Benin, Chad, Haiti, Mauritius, French, Guiana, Burundi, Rwanda, The United States and South Africa. Afe 2006 mu no, na ↄka wiase nyinaa aterԑ dwumadie(International Writing Program) a ԑkↄↄ no wↄ University of lowa

Tadjo atena Paris, Lagos, Mexico City, Nairobi and London. Afe 2007 akyi no na ↄte Johannesburg a na panin a French adesua ano wↄ University of the Witwatersrand.[8][9]

Abasobↄdeԑ sesa

Tadjo nyaa atwerԑ abasobↄdeԑ wↄ L’Agence de Coopreation Culturelle et Technique wↄ afe 1983 ne UNICEF abasobↄdeԑ no wↄ afe 1993 wↄ ne Mamy Wata ne Monster a na ԑno nso wyi kaa ↄha a adi mu wↄ abibire mu ne 20th Century mu no ho[10]

Afe 2005 mu no, ↄnyaa abasobdeԑ kԑseԑ a ԑyԑ Grand Prix litteraire d’Afrique noire ԑna afe 2016 no, Bernard Dadie national grand prize for literature. Ne nwoma In the company of men no nso nyaa abasobↄdeԑ wↄ Los Angeles Times Book Award.

Nwuma sesa

Anwomsԑm nwoma

  • Latérite (Éditions Hatier "Monde noir Poche", 1984). Bi-lingual edition, Red Earth – Latérite; translated by Peter S. Thompson (Washington University Press, 2006)
  • A vol d'oiseau (Éditions Harmattan; 1986); translated by Wangui wa Goro with the title As The Crow Flies (Heinemann African Writers Series, 2001)
  • A mi-chemin (Éditions Harmattan, 2000)

Ayԑsԑm nwoma

  • Le Royaume aveugle (Éditions Harmattan, 1991); translated by Janis Mayes as The Blind Kingdom (Ayebia Clarke Publishing, 2008)
  • Champs de bataille et d'amour (Éditions Présence Africaine; Les Nouvelles Éditions Ivoiriennes, 1999)
  • L'ombre d'Imana: Voyages jusqu'au bout du Rwanda, Actes Sud, 2000); translated by Veronique Wakerley as The Shadow of Imana: Travels in the Heart of Rwanda (Heinemann AWS, 2002)
  • Reine Pokou (Actes Sud, 2005); translated by Amy B. Reid as Queen Pokou (Ayebia Clarke Publishing, 2009)
  • Loin de mon père (Actes Sud, 2010); translated by Amy B. Reid as Far from My Father (University of Virginia Press/CARAF, 2014)
  • In the Company of Men (Other Press, 2021, ISBN 978-1-63542-095-1)

Mmↄfra Nwoma

  • La Chanson de la vie (1990)
  • Lord of the Dance: An African Retelling (Le Seigneur de la Danse; Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes, 1993; 1988)
  • Grandma Nana (Grand-Mère Nanan; Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes, 1996; 2000)
  • Masque, raconte-moi (Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes)
  • Si j´étais roi, si j´étais reine (Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes); translated by the author as If I Were a King, If I Were a Queen (London: Milet Publishing, 2002)
  • Mamy Wata et le Monstre (Mamy Wata and the Monster) (Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes, 1993; Prix UNICEF, 1993; bi-lingual edition London: Milet Publishing, 2000)
  • Le Grain de Maïs Magique (Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes, 1996)
  • Le Bel Oiseau et la Pluie (Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes, 1998)
  • Nelson Mandela: "Non à L'Apartheid" (Actes Sud Junior, 2010)
  • Ayanda, la petite fille qui ne voulait pas grandir (Actes Sud Junior, 2007; Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes/CEDA)

Beaeɛ a menyaa mmoa sesa

  1. Véronique Tadjo, retrieved 2023-05-30
  2. Barbara Thrash Murphy, Deborah L. Murphy (2006-12-21), Black Authors and Illustrators of Books for Children and Young Adults (in English), Routledge, ISBN 978-1-135-87355-4, retrieved 2023-05-30
  3. Véronique Tadjo - Academia.edu, retrieved 2023-05-30
  4. James S. Coleman Memorial Lecture: Oral Tradition, Religious Syncretism and Politics: The Example of Cote d'Ivoire (in English), retrieved 2023-05-30
  5. Tadjo, Véronique 1955– | Encyclopedia.com, retrieved 2023-05-30
  6. ‘New Daughters of Africa’ is a must read for aspiring young women writers (in English), 2020-07-05, retrieved 2023-05-30
  7. N. Hitchcott (2008-07-16), "A Global African Commemoration - Rwanda: ecrire par devoir de memoire", Forum for Modern Language Studies (in English), vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 151–161, doi:10.1093/fmls/cqp003, ISSN 0015-8518, retrieved 2023-05-30
  8. Veronique Tadjo - Wits University (Staff Profile), 2015-03-24, archived from the original on 2015-03-24, retrieved 2023-05-30
  9. .::. UCLA Global .::., retrieved 2023-05-30
  10. One Hundred Books from Africa; African Writing Online [many literatures, one voice];, retrieved 2023-05-30